A while back, Google Plus (google+?) lost its public face, removing from public view too much material. But Google, for all its faults, also has virtues, and it let me capture all my posts using its "takeout" feature before plus went negative.
I'm going to publish a few of the more worthwhile or at least fun ones here over the next little while.
To get things going, here's a link I posted from September 30, 2011:
Fashion for Work at the Google Headquarters
There's little merit and less verisimilitude in this, so file it under the fun category.
On Bloat On Bloat The link below holds the slides from a talk I gave last year for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia's annua...
This is my closing talk ( video ) from the GopherConAU conference in Sydney, given November 10, 2023, the 14th anniversary of Go being lau...
Whenever I see code that asks what the native byte order is, it's almost certain the code is either wrong or misguided. And if the nati...
Here is the text of the talk I gave at the Go SF meeting in June, 2012. This is a personal talk. I do not speak for anyone else on the Go...