Saturday, December 31, 2011

Esmerelda's Imagination

An actress acquaintance of mine—let's call her Esmerelda—once said, "I can't imagine being anything except an actress." To which the retort was given, "You can't be much of an actress then, can you?"

I was reminded of this exchange when someone said to me about Go, "I can't imagine programming in a language that doesn't have generics." My retort, unspoken this time, was, "You can't be much of a programmer, then, can you?"

This is not an essay about generics (which are a fine thing and may arrive in Go one day, or may not) but about imagination, or at least what passes for imagination among computer programmers: complaint. A friend observed that the definitive modern pastime is to complain on line. For the complainers, it's fun, for the recipients of the complaint it can be dispiriting. As a recipient, I am pushing back—by complaining, of course.

Not so long ago, a programmer was someone who programs, but that seems to be the last thing programmers do nowadays. Today, the definition of a programmer is someone who complains unless the problem being solved has already been solved and whose solution can be expressed in a single line of code. (From the point of view of a language designer, this reduces to a corollary of language success: every program must be reducible to single line of code or your language sucks. The lessons of APL have been lost.)

A different, more liberal definition might be that a programmer is someone who approaches every problem exactly the same way and complains about the tools if the approach is unsuccessful.

For the programmer population, the modern pastime demands that if one is required to program, or at least to think while programming, one blogs/tweets/rants instead. I have seen people write thousands of words of on-line vituperation that problem X requires a few extra keystrokes than it might otherwise, missing the irony that had they spent those words on programming, they could have solved the problem many times over with the saved keystrokes. But, of course, that would be programming.

Two years ago Go went public. This year, Dart was announced. Both came from Google but from different teams with different goals; they have little in common. Yet I was struck by a property of the criticisms of Dart in the first few days: by doing a global substitution of "Go" for "Dart", many of the early complaints about Go would have fit right into the stream of Dart invective. It was unnecessary to try Go or Dart before commenting publicly on them; in fact, it was important not to (for one thing, trying them would require programming). The criticisms were loud and vociferous but irrelevant because they weren't about the languages at all. They were just a standard reaction to something new, empty of meaning, the result of a modern programmer's need to complain about everything different. Complaints are infinitely recyclable. ("I can't imagine programming in a language without XXX.") After all, they have a low quality standard: they need not be checked by a compiler.

A while after Go launched, the criticisms changed tenor somewhat. Some people had actually tried it, but there were still many complainers, including the one quoted above. The problem now was that imagination had failed: Go is a language for writing Go programs, not Java programs or Haskell programs or any other language's programs. You need to think a different way to write good Go programs. But that takes time and effort, more than most will invest. So the usual story is to translate one program from another language into Go and see how it turns out. But translation misses idiom. A first attempt to write, for example, some Java construct in Go will likely fail, while a different Go-specific approach might succeed and illuminate. After 10 years of Java programming and 10 minutes of Go programming, any comparison of the language's capabilities is unlikely to generate insight, yet here come the results, because that's a modern programmer's job.

It's not all bad, of course. Two years on, Go has lots of people who've spent the time to learn how it's meant to be used, and for many willing to invest such time the results have been worthwhile. It takes time and imagination and programming to learn how to use any language well, but it can be time well spent. The growing Go community has generated lots of great software and has given me hope, hope that there may still be actual programmers out there.

However, I still see far too much ill-informed commentary about Go on the web, so for my own protection I will start 2012 with a resolution:

I resolve to recognize that a complaint reveals more about the complainer than the complained-about. Authority is won not by rants but by experience and insight, which require practice and imagination. And maybe some programming.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

User experience

[We open in a well-lit corporate conference room. A meeting has been running for a while. Lots has been accomplished but time is running out.]

[The door opens and a tall, tow-headed twenty-something guy in glasses walks in, carrying a Mac Air and a folder.]

Oh, here he is. This is Richard. I asked him to join us today. Glad he could make it. He's got some great user experience ideas.

Call me Dick.

Dick's done a lot of seminal UX work for us.

Hey, aren't you the guy who's arguing we shouldn't have search in e-books?

Absolutely. It's a lousy idea.


Books are the best UI ever created. They've been perfected over more than 500 years of development. We shouldn't mess with success.

Product manager:
Well, this is a new age. We should be allowed to ...

Books have never had search. If we add search, we'll just confuse the user.

Product manager:
Oh, you're right. We don't want to do that.

But e-books aren't physical books. They're not words on paper. They're just bits, information.

Our users don't know that.

Yes they do! They don't want simple books, they want the possibilities that electronic books can bring. Do you know about information theory? Have you even heard of Claude Shannon?

Isn't he the chef at that new biodynamic tofu restaurant in North Beach?

Uhh, yeah, OK. But look, you're treating books as a metaphor for your user interface. That's as lame as using a trash can to throw away files and folders. We can do so much more!

You misunderstand. Our goal is to make computers easier to use, not to make them more useful.

Product manager:
Wow, that's good.


Let's get back on track. Dick, you had some suggestions for us?

Yeah. I was thinking about the work we did with the Notes iPhone app. Using a font that looked like a felt marker was a big help for users.


Yes, it made users feel more comfortable about keeping notes on their phone. Having a font that looks like handwriting helps them forget there's a computer underneath.

I see....

Yes, so... I was thinking for the Address Book app for Lion, we should change the look to be like a...

Can you show us?

Yeah, sure. I have a mock-up here.
[Opens laptop, turns it to face the room.]

Product manager:
An address book! That's fantastic. Look at the detail! Leather, seams at the corners, a visible spine. This is awesome!

It's just a book. It's a throwback. What are you doing? Why does it need to look like a physical address book?

Because it is an address book!

No it's not, it's an app!

It's a book.

You've made it one. This time it's not even a metaphor - it's literally a book. You're giving up on the possibility of doing more.

As I said, users don't care about functionality. They want comfort and familiarity. An Address Book app that looks like an address book will be welcome. Soothing.

If they want a paper address book, they can buy one.

Why would they do that if they have one on their desktop?

Can they at least change the appearance? Is there a setting somewhere?

Oh, no. We know better than the user - otherwise why are we here? Settings are just confusing.

I ... I really don't understand what's going on.

That's OK, you don't have to, but I'd like to give you the action item to build it. End of the quarter OK?

Uhhh, sure.

Dick, do you have the requirements doc there?

Right here.
[Pushes the folder across the desk.]

Can't you just mail it to me?

It's right there.

I know, but... OK.

That's a great start, Dick. What else do you have?

Well, actually, maybe this is the time to announce that I'm moving on. Today is my last day here.

Manager, Product manager:
[Unison] Oh no!

Yeah, sorry about that. I've had an amazing time here changing the world but it's tiem for me to seek new challenges.

Do you have something in mind?

Yes, I'm moving north. Microsoft has asked me to head a group there. They've got some amazing new ideas around paper clips.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Regular expressions in lexing and parsing

Comments extracted from a code review. I've been asked to disseminate them more widely.

I should say something about regular expressions in lexing and parsing. Regular expressions are hard to write, hard to write well, and can be expensive relative to other technologies. (Even when they are implemented correctly in N*M time, they have significant overheads, especially if they must capture the output.) Lexers, on the other hand, are fairly easy to write correctly (if not as compactly), and very easy to test. Consider finding alphanumeric identifiers. It's not too hard to write the regexp (something like "[a-ZA-Z_][a-ZA-Z_0-9]*"), but really not much harder to write as a simple loop. The performance of the loop, though, will be much higher and will involve much less code under the covers. A regular expression library is a big thing. Using one to parse identifiers is like using a Mack truck to go to the store for milk. And when we want to adjust our lexer to admit other character types, such as Unicode identifiers, and handle normalization, and so on, the hand-written loop can cope easily but the regexp approach will break down.

A similar argument applies to parsing. Using regular expressions to explore the parse state to find the way forward is expensive, overkill, and error-prone. Standard lexing and parsing techniques are so easy to write, so general, and so adaptable there's no reason to use regular expressions. They also result in much faster, safer, and compact implementations.

Another way to look at it is that lexers and parsing are matching statically-defined patterns, but regular expressions' strength is that they provide a way to express patterns dynamically. They're great in text editors and search tools, but when you know at compile time what all the things are you're looking for, regular expressions bring far more generality and flexibility than you need.

Finally, on the point about writing well. Regular expressions are, in my experience, widely misunderstood and abused. When I do code reviews involving regular expressions, I fix up a far higher fraction of the regular expressions in the code than I do regular statements. This is a sign of misuse: most programmers (no finger pointing here, just observing a generality) simply don't know what they are or how to use them correctly. Encouraging regular expressions as a panacea for all text processing problems is not only lazy and poor engineering, it also reinforces their use by people who shouldn't be using them at all.

So don't write lexers and parsers with regular expressions as the starting point. Your code will be faster, cleaner, and much easier to understand and to maintain.

  On Bloat On Bloat The link below holds the slides from a talk I gave last year for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia's annua...